Study Questions

1.       What was the war that was influence by Yellow Journalism? the Spanish-American War

2.       Is Yellow Journalism a problem with the field of missing people? (true or false) True

3.       What type of media is keeping Yellow Journalism alive? Internet

4.       Who created the term yellow Journalism? Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst

5.       Who were the two most well-known publishers of the day? Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph

6.       Many historians believe that Hearst played a major role in the American involvement with? Cuba during the Spanish-American war

7.       Who were the highest paid reporters of Hearst stationed in Cuba? Richard Harding and Frederick Remington

8.       What award did Pulitzer receive for his journalistic achievement?  Pulitzer Prize

9.       What two newspaper were in war of circulation? Pulitzer’s “New York World” & Hearst’s “New York Journal”

10.   When was the term “Yellow Journalism” first coined? Mid 1890s

11.   Who was the owner of the New York World?   Joseph Pulitzer

12.   Who was the owner of the New York Journal?   William Randolph Hearst.

13.   Who created The Yellow Kid?   Richard F. Outcault.

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